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DONNIE DARKO... Go See It This WeekEnd!!!

There are few films that I can think of that this site has covered since before they were ever even known to the film industry. I remember reading DONNIE DARKO as a spec script that was unattached to anyone anywhere.

A few script readers in Los Angeles had it, but the screenwriter, Richard Kelly didn't have an agent, so far as I could tell. He was just one of those folks out there, that hadn't caught his break yet.

I fell in love with his script, quickly after that many others fell in love, finally someone with money fell in love and now nearly 5 years later... The movie is here.

Now is this a Horror film? Interesting question. There are definite elements of the Horror genre here... very Stephen King elements. At the same time there are very strong Science Fiction elements present... very Michael Crichton elements. Not exact elements, but that same tonal quality. Very cool! To get a bit of a sense of this, check out DonnieDarko.Com, they've done a very good job of translating the feel and sense of eerie discovery that Donnie goes through in this film.

Also this is a period film. Specifically for folks around my age. This is the late eighties... The hair, the style, the music and the feeling. So when I say it feels like reading Stephen King, if King was setting something with High Schoolers, I read it exactly like this!

Here's the Trailer: Click here to Check It OUT!!!

And when you go out to see something creepy or spooky... skip the pieces of shit (BONES and 13 GHOSTS) see this or BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF or for something with no scares.... AMELIE! But avoid the crap!

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