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SPIRITED AWAY Playing US Theaters This Summer'!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

Nice work, Screen Daily. I was working to try and get verification before breaking this scoop, and you beat me to it. I guess that counts as verification, eh?

Disney has tied up the North American rights to Hayao Miyazaki's SEN TO CHIHRIO, and are planning to release it in America as soon as July of this year. More importantly, they've hired John Lasseter to serve as creative consultant on the American release. This is pretty much a best-case scenario all the way around, and I think now is that rare moment when we get to say to Disney, "Nice job. Good decision. Way to go." The film's been a phenomenal box-office hit in Japan and won the Golden Bear, the top prize, at this spring's Berlin Film Festival. It's good to see Disney moving to handle this film with due respect and to get it out to American audiences as soon as is realistically possible. I'll say this: my summer just got a whole lot more interesting. Now if only someone at Disney would punch Bob and Harvey's teeth in and get Miramax to stop raping the HK films they buy...

Thanks to Anime News Service.Com for first bringing the Screen Daily article to my attention.

"Moriarty" out.

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