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Craving That BUFFY/ANGEL Reunion''

I am – Hercules!!

It’s here. Sorta. “Reunion,” a one-shot comic book authored by Herc’s second-favorite “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” writer, Jane Espenson, finally hit the racks Wednesday.

Set somewhere between “Buffy” episodes 6.3 and 6.8, “Reunion” was once rumored to reveal what happened during Buffy and Angel’s off-screen meeting somewhere between Los Angeles and Sunnydale late last year.

In fact, “Reunion” only deals with Xander, Anya and Dawn speculating as to what happened during the rendezvous. In any event, it’s an entertaining read from a great writer who pretty much sat out the second half of the season just past.

If revelations are what you seek, the final issue of the four-installment “Angel” miniseries (co-written by Buffyverse mastermind Joss Whedon himself), has been out since June 12. We learn in this pre-Fred tale that vengeance against Angelus was only a small component of the plans forged by Jenny Calendar’s gypsy clan. And that Angel may not be who he thinks he is!

Still not enough to hold you until season seven? The seventh issue of “Fray,” the ongoing Whedon-penned tale of Buffy’s far-future successor, is due in August.

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