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ANGEL: What's Up With Wes!!

I am – Hercules!!

Details on “the what” with “Angel’s” estranged Mr. Wyndam-Pryce have been in short supply, but we’ve just learned he finally reunites – kinda – with the Angel Investigations crew in 4.6.

Faster than you can say “Tabula Rasa,” it looks like the amnesia Cordelia will contract by 4.3 will spread by 4.6. Everybody loses his or her memories.

Wes and the gang forget they’re mad at each other. And everybody seems to forget that the demon Krevlornswath is one of the good guys. Angel calls him “The Devil” and Charles is keen to separate The Host’s noggin from the rest of his body. (Of course, we learned at the end of season two that this isn’t a particular problem for ol' Lorne.)

The big news: Wes now seems capable of magically sprouting stakes and swords from his arms. They may emanate from his clothing, but Herc’s guessing these implements spring right out of Wesley’s flesh, Wolverine-style.

Fresh “Angel” returns to the WB Oct. 6.

I am – Hercules!!

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