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Reni Viddys Well The GARAGE DAYS Test Screening!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

Looks like Reni is one of our returning faces at BNAT this year, a fact that will set the hearts and panties of all of last year’s female attendees a-flutter. He’s this Davy Jones-lookin’ dude whose accent and smile kept knockin’ ‘em dead last year.

Oh, how we all hate Reni.

I mean, he’s already seen the new Alex Proyas film. Do I really need to explain why we should all envy and detest him? Sure, he’s loads of fun to hang with and makes great mix tapes, but what good is any of that?!

Hey Mori,

We saw Garage Days tonight in Manchester and liked it quite a bit.

They're test screening it but christ knows why because (a) it looked finished and (b) it's a cult film and it's not going to be everyone's cup of 'Cha.

It's definitely not what you'd expect from Alex Proyas. Infact Garage Days is bloody light wieght compared with The Crow and Dark City. The sets and lighting are pretty ordinary looking, the mood is upbeat and aimed squarely at 16-20 somethings but peppered throughout are some amazing visual gimmicks which in the end turn Garage Days into something else altogether.

It's about being in a band and 'will they or won't they' make it into the Big Time. We've got lead singer Freddy who's in love with Kate, who's also seeing Joe, lead guitarist and male goth groupie. The drummer is an acid freak and bassist Tanya just can't satisfied over anything.

It's the usual stereotypes I'm afraid. I was hoping that Proyas might transplant the characters and the script and set them in an environment like The Crow. Something far out to kind of play off against the characters and story, which are inoffensively normal.

But what he begins to do throughout the film is weave in these crazy, clever visuals and actually turns the film into a bunch of postcards, almost giving you a punkier version of the love letter Cameron Crowe made with Almost Famous. And on that level the film works really well, resembling a mix between Moulin Rouge and Hedwig.

It's a difficult film to pitch an audience to. It's not as funny as The Commitments, but it is likeable. The music's not as good as Hedwig, but they give us a get-out clause by admitting the band themselves aren't supposed to be any good.

But all in all Garage Days is totally likeable. Great visuals. Good acting. And any film which testifies to the power and truth of rock n' roll is alright by me. ( Wild Zero, cough, cough...)


p.s. Alex, get rid of Travis man. They definitely aren't Rock N' Roll!

p.p.s My first test screening. What a farce.

Thanks, man. See ya this December!!

"Moriarty" out.

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