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Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

I’m insanely late picking this up. Might be the last person on the web to run this link to this particular story, but I’m still going to do it:


Here’s the e-mail that first mentioned it to us:

I didn't see this posted on your site and though this might be a movie you and your readers would be interested in. I am. A part from Jude Law being in it (sigh), the movie sounds really new, interesting - a take on "Star Wars" and it's digital world, but with great acting talent to compensate for the possible coldness and distance created by the Digital.

It's "World of Tomorrow" with Jude and Gwenyth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie, and it seems to have gotten started already -- here's the article from the "L.A. Times" and there's a pic even of Jude and Gwenyth in costume, complete w/ the blue screen!

Don't know if this is really what you'd be interested in, but seems very cool and sigh, could be really beautiful. Just thought I'd send it to you, but hopefully someone else already has. And this might be old by the time you receive it. It's from this weekend's edition, but just in case you can use it -- here it is. If you use this, please just call me um,

Miyazaki Admirer

I was struck by one passage, the description in the LA TIMES article of just what the film is about:

"World of Tomorrow" is set in 1939 (the title comes from the New York World's Fair of that year) and owes much to the Saturday-morning serials that movie theaters used to show. It is split into seven "chapters," with titles like "Winged Terror" and "Shadow of Tomorrow."

As for the film's content, [Jon] Avnet, an experienced producer who found success with "Risky Business" 20 years ago, and who also directed such films as "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "Up Close and Personal," described it as "Buck Rogers meets Indiana Jones."

It begins in New York City, where Polly Perkins (Paltrow), crack reporter for the Chronicle newspaper, wonders why so many world-famous scientists are missing. Around this time, strange flying machines threaten Manhattan, and gigantic walking robots tramp down the city's streets, crushing everything in their path. Polly joins forces with her old flame and sometime adversary Capt. Joseph Sullivan (Law), also known as Sky Captain.

He commands the Flying Legion, battling bad guys in his Warhawk P-40. He and Polly fly to a remote part of Nepal (think Shangri-La) to track down the crazed mastermind Dr. Totenkopf, who seems to want to destroy the world.

But this outline doesn't do justice to the look of the film, which is tentatively scheduled for U.S. release next year. In his office, Avnet finds a DVD of its opening scenes, hauntingly beautiful in black and white. They show the Hindenburg III, a zeppelin, docking 100 stories above New York on the Empire State Building. The visual iconography is very 1940s: visible radio waves emitted from radio masts, towering skyscrapers, men in snap-brim fedoras, spotlights fanning the night skies.

The rest of the story is great, and I highly recommend you check it out. Then come back here and let’s talk about it, eh?

"Moriarty" out.

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