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I am – Hercules!!

Some odds and ends piling up around Mt. Olympus:

”Freaks & Geeks.” At the show’s website, co-creator Paul Feig writes:

“We are VERY close to getting the DVDs out. A company that was started by the guys who sold Rhino want to put the show out and are with us that all the original music must remain intact. So, that's a great thing (I wouldn't release it otherwise). But that causes one small problem -- the DVD set is going to be a little more expensive than we wanted it to be. This is so we can include all the original music, and also so we can get the DVDs out sooner (instead of spending months and months doing legal work).

“The price for the DVD set will probably be around $120, which is very steep, I know. However, because of discount sites on the web and the fact that most stores like Tower and Virgin always mark down new releases, you'll probably be able to get it for about 80 bucks. I will say that we're intending to include one full disc of extras, including deleted scenes, bloopers, and lots of other fun things (that we're in the process of pulling out of all our crates and boxes now).

“So, that's what's up. I don't know any exact date for when it'll be coming out but I know we're all shooting for before the end of the year (probably in time for Christmas -- how embarrassingly convenient!).”


”West Wing.” The first “sides” (script pages used for casting) have emerged from the new, Sorkin-free “West Wing.” They’re not Sorkin, but they don’t suck. In fact, they’re a good deal better than what one might expect from the dearly departed “Mister Sterling,” which is to say they’re not bad at all.

Looks like the season opener might be a two-hour affair. The acting president, Walken (John Goodman), surrounds himself with a mean little dog and several mean little aides from his House staff, all of whom rub Josh, Toby, C.J. and even newby Will Bailey the wrongest ways. Walken is also pressuring Leo to field some vice presidential candidates. “In case you boys haven’t noticed,” explains the mammoth Walken, “I’m one prime rib dinner away from sudden cardiac arrest.”

The big news is Zoey’s kidnapping finally brings to the White House the Bartlets’ eldest daughter, Elizabeth, and the 14-year-old First Granddaughter. Middle daughter Ellie also turns up (suggesting Nina Siemaszko will be back). We meet Bartlet’s son-in-law, Doug Westin, who – we’ll learn in a future episode – turns out to be a colossal opportunist with designs on a U.S. congressional seat.

Oh, and Zoey’s callow, extra-handsome French boyfriend demands immunity following the kidnapping. (The sides reveal also whether or not Zoey makes it home safely.)


”Smallville.” Sides are floating around also for “Smallville” season opener. Clark, still under the influence of his red kryptonite ring, will next be seen as a superpowered bank robber who lurks about Metropolis spreading around cash and calling himself “Kal.” The high-profile thieving garners the attention of local crime lord Morgan Edge, who wants to hire the boy of steel. (But wait a tick. In the comics, wasn’t Morgan Edge a broadcasting exec who gave Clark Kent his first TV job?) Anyway, Lana decides to join Clark in Metropolis after all. And Lex survives the season-ending plane-crash, but seems to have taken a really bad blow to the noggin.


"Two Towers." USA Today’s Susan Wloszczyna zipped down to Peter Jackson’s screening room in New Zealand, where she got to see the extended DVD version of “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” due Nov. 18. She describes more with Boromir, Eomer, Eowyn, Aragorn, Pippin, Merry, Treebeard but, alas, no bonus Gollum. Read details here.


“Big Brother.” His own alliance-mates seemed anxious to boot out loud, bald 33-year-old waiter Scott Weintraub, but the producers beat them to it. Did Weinberg begin waving around a hatchet? Not so much. Word is he flung a chair across the kitchen, then refused to have a chat with the producers about it. The first official vote-off, pitting Jee against Amanda, will proceed as scheduled. Behold the dramatic footage tonight at 8 on CBS.


”24.” The wackiest item of the day comes from Kristin’s latest chat over at E! Online:

A source tells me that Kim is going to insist on accompanying daddy on this season's mission because she fears for his health, which has been ailing for the "two years" since the show left off.

You heard it there first. Jack, who once could bring down criminal masterminds with a handtowel, begins hauling Kim around on missions next season because tiny blonde Kimberly “insists."

I am – Hercules!!

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