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Moriarty Sets The Record Straight Regarding Barker/Carpenter

Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

I’ve gotten several recent reports quoting Doug Bradley as saying there is a HALLOWEEN/HELLRAISER film coming next year, and he will be playing Pinhead in it once again.

It’s not true. And it is true. Or was, anyway. Allow me to explain.

FREDDY VS. JASON opened, and shock waves raced through any studio that had two franchises to rub together. Finally kickstarted ALIEN VS. PREDATOR over at Fox. There are persistent rumors that New Line wants to throw Ash into the mix next time out. And, yes, at Dimension, it got some of the execs excited about seeing Michael Myers onscreen with Pinhead.

Got a heck of a lot further than just talks, too. The details you’ve been hearing were right. Clive Barker was going to write it, and John Carpenter was going to direct it. Think about that... yes, both series have endured a lot of shitty sequels over the years, but not under the guidance of their respective creators. John Carpenter directing Pinhead? Clive Barker writing Michael Myers? These are intriguing possibilities.

And now, thanks to one particular rights holder whose name might rhyme with Blustafa Akaad, it won’t happen. This just went from development deal to missed opportunity in one fell swoop.

It’s a very, very recent development, too. It just hit the wall. I had to track this down through one of my best East Coast sources, someone close enough to the Weinsteins to smell ‘em. It took a while, but I consider this one confirmed. It’s finished, not gonna happen, over and done.

So if you see Doug Bradley, and he tells you how cool this movie’s going to be, do me a favor... someone break it to him gently, okay?

"Moriarty" out.

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