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Big ol Soundtrack Review to RETURN OF THE KING with score samples... online!

Hey folks, Harry here... Personally, I can not wait for that day... some years from now when they release that gargantuan set with all 10 hours or so of music that Howard Shore has composed, conducted and placed on those 9 CDs -- Each one with a face of a member of the Fellowship, and then... then we can sit back and hear from beginning to end the musical magic of THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Then, you can sit in that big ol stuffed leather chair of yours next to the fire... a glass of brandy in the snifter and your pipe, stuffed with the stuff you like and then... 10 hours of music. You may sit there and blow smoke rings, fill the snifter with the smoke and inhale the fumes of the brandy tinged with plumes of smoke, then a sip.... For hours, this meditative musical journey will continue, until you sleep and dream of hobbit holes and elven clothes... battles and songs... monsters and maidens... Howard Shore has created a musical epic to join a cinematic one. For your first listen to pieces of the final film... Click below... SOUNDTRACK.NET has again secured the treat for us all!

Soundtrack.Net's Review and Samples of Howard Shore's RETURN OF THE KING music!

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