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Schwarzenegger returning to the big screen in 2006'''

Ahoy, squirts. Quint here with the glorious gushings of the one and only AB King. What can I say? The boy loves him some '80s action hero muscles... Below is everything Schwarzenegger, from his possible return to the screen and the movement to, god help us, put together TERMINATOR 3.5... Personally, I'm under the opinion that the last one was what it was... I didn't care for it too much (way too self-aware and cartoony), but it did have a helluva'n ending. Make a sequel if you're going to continue on... I know those words probably just sent AB into a disbelieving shock, but it's one seaman's opinion... Enjoy the below!!!!


It seems that Arnold is making a return back to films in 2006 already planning bookings for his return! I hope we get to see Arnie starring as KING CONAN with Milius along with a Mostow directed T4 and his re-teaming with JAMES CAMERON! There is also breaking news regarding PEPSI and HEWLETT PACKARD being ready to sponcer and help fund the proposed T3.5 should the producers go ahead with the fans idea. Here is the big news:

breaking news

May 15th 2004 Exclusive:


Will Arnold Schwarzenegger return to making movies when he's done being the California Governor? We all want to see those few last movies such as Terminator 4, King Conan and I Am Legend, but the question is, will he take a second term in office?

State Attorney General Bill Lockyer is quite open about his belief that there will be no second 'Join Arnold' campaign.

“He's not going to run again” the attorney general confided the other day, on his way out of a TV studio. “His agent is already making bookings for 2006 and beyond.”

Democratic consultant Garry South, longtime campaign manager for former California Governor Gray Davis adds, “I believe that after three years in office, he'll declare victory and go back to Hollywood. And that might leave the Republicans without a candidate.”

Republicans are not so sure, and Schwarzenegger himself is offering no comments.

"I just assume that he will run" says longtime GOP consultant Arnold Steinberg. “He wants to run for president. But if there's to be a Constitutional amendment to allow him and other immigrants to run, it will take years to pass Congress and 38 different state legislatures. If he has hopes that amendment will get through, he'll need to be a sitting governor to take advantage.”

Not necessarily. Ronald Reagan became president in 1981, six years after leaving the California Governor's office. If Schwarzenegger, who was a far bigger movie star than what Reagan ever was, could legitimately claim he saved the state from fiscal disaster and then retired, his reputation and credibility would last for years afterward.

Behind Schwarzenegger, there are no Republicans currently in statewide office. As of yet, no other Republican-leaning business or Hollywood figures have emerged as strong potential candidates for anything.

If Schwarzenegger doesn't intend to run, it seems that he will let party leaders know quietly, yet early enough for them to do something about it.

“He's completely unpredictable and keeps his own counsel” says Steinberg. “Those who say they know what he'll do, don't. Those who do have reason to think that they know, don't say.”

No one in politics has forgotten that even Schwarzenegger's staff thought he would abstain from running, until he went on the famous 'Tonight Show' with Jay Leno just before the filing deadline last August, announcing that he would in fact be running, seeking to replace Gray Davis.

There's a good possibility Schwarzenegger himself doesn't know what he'll do in 2006, and there's little chance he'll reveal much of anything until just before the late 2005 filing deadline.

Arnold's agent making bookings for 2006? T4?! King Conan?! I Am Legend?! The possibilities are endless! But this will all depend on how well Arnold succeeds as Governor, and whether the people of California want him back in office or not. If Arnold decides to run for a second term as Governor, it could quite possibly terminate any hopes that we have of him returning to the silver screen, as it would leave him in office until at least 2008.

We would love to see him back on the big screen again – just a few more movies before he decides to call it a day and perhaps go for President!

It's unlikely that we'll know anything for at least another year yet, so that leaves plenty of time for praying to CROM! Remember – there is no fate but what we make for ourselves!

HARRY, here is the BIG scoop regarding T3.5 (from

Today finally had a meeting with Pepsi representatives. They are very excited about this idea to bring back a movie special for fans and they understood that it's a big opportunity for Pepsi to be one of the sponsors of "T3.5: Rise of the Fans". They will accept if Pepsi logo will be screened in the movie. So the answer from PEPSI is YES! Next I'm in discussion with Microsoft and HP. So try your best to have that petition accepted and then you'll have financial support from my side."


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