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Another totally F&*%ed Up teaser for SAW!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a link over to the good folks over at Those knuckleheads, a good bunch of guys who I'm sure I'll bump into at Comic-Con next week, have a great little teaser for the indie horror flick SAW up on their site. I was lucky enough to have seen SAW at the American Film Market earlier this year. You horror fans will be giddy about this film. This is how you do it. Now, while I am posting this teaser... which doesn't give too much of the plot away... well, the scene it showcases in particular was a great discovery in the film. If you're already psyched to see the movie and don't need any more convincing and want to be as fresh as possible... You may want to discover some of what you see in the teaser as it unfolds in the film. If you don't give a rat's hairy ass about spoilers, then go right ahead. Enjoy, squirts!

A creepy fuckin' doll and BLACK CHRISTMAS eye-in-the-doorjam shot awaits your clickage!!!

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