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LoneGunManHas 4.5 Stars For GALACTICA 1.11!!

I am – Hercules!!

The first episode of the new ongoing “Battlestar: Galactica” series finally gets its U.S. premiere on the SciFi Channel this Friday. The Brits, meanwhile, got episode 11 on Monday night. Here’s “LoneGunMan” with an appraisal:

Hi Harry and Herc, well, we've just had Galactica 1.11 in the UK, and what a doozy... really cool stuff again, and we have adverts during this episode for the Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars (finally here in the UK)... Geek overload!!

Battlestar Galactica 1.11 FAQ

What’s it called?
"Colonial Day."

How does it begin?
The President is reinstating the old "Council of Twelve" just like in the classic series, and the peoples of each planet have nominated their planet's representatives. Caprica's representative is Baltar (much to his surprise), though the real problem comes from the representative from Sagitaron, Tom Zarek, once again played with excellent panache by the original Apollo, Richard Hatch. The President, as you can imagine, is not happy... especially when he manages to get himself nominated to run for Vice President.

That loading a gun into a briefcase at the beginning of a Presidential Summit, this is "24" again isn't it?
Well, we've had "A Few Good Men" and "Iron Eagle", this did look to be a 24 style from the beginning, but the whole assassination plot is quickly caste aside in favor of political machinations. The Sagitaron people are all in support of Zarek's agenda, but despite his logical and sensible policies, the current administration can only see his terrorist past, looking into any means to stop his bid for power.

So what else is going on then?
On Caprica, Helo starts to realize (with the appearance of another Six last week) that the Cylons can look like humans. His hostile reaction to this revelation upsets Boomer v2, but when they reach the Caprica spaceport to steal a ship, then everything is really frakked up for him.

What happens?
The President is so determined that Zarek will not be Vice President, she grooms a potential contender. Her ruthless side is seen when she discards him for the more popular Baltar. There's a sub plot of the potential assassin being captured by Starbuck and Apollo (assigned to security duty), and being silenced by someone for Zarek, hints are thrown in the direction of the manipulative Mrs Tigh, but nothing is obvious.

What's Good?
Baltar is fantastic again, with another excellent bathroom scene. Richard Hatch proves his worth once again with another admirable performance. I'd really like him to make a more significant role in season two, and maybe convince some of the other classic series actors to take part. And, to top it all off, you get to see Starbuck in rather elegant dress... she scrubs up pretty fine.

What's Bad?
The music is a little hammy in places. The journalists issue has been addressed with a comment about how people are unable to move away from their old careers, clinging to the jobs they had in the past (hence, with Caprica One being full of journalists, I guess that's why there are so many of them about), but it's just very odd that there are so many journalists about. Never really relied on them in the classic series!

How does it end?
Oh man, the world is gonna end... Baltar is made Vice President. Zarek reminds the President that an election is due in six months and he'll see her then... and on Caprica, Helo is discovered by another Boomer. Boomer v2 (the one that may be pregnant) shoots the other Boomer, but it's too late, Helo knows she's a Cylon and runs off...

“LoneGunMan’s” rating for “Battlestar Galactica” 1.11?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:
***** better than we deserve
**** better than most motion pictures
*** actually worth your valuable time
** as horrible as most stuff on TV
* makes you quietly pray for bulletins

Remember that SciFi also repeats the entire four-hour 2003 “Galactica” miniseries (with all the stuff about the president’s cancer restored) Wednesday and Sunday. Find a schedule of SciFi’s “Galactica” airings here.

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