Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

Hugh Laurie is going to be running a great metropolitan newspaper!

Hey folks, Harry here with some fascinating news about Bryan Singer's SUPERMAN film. He's gone and cast Hugh Laurie as Perry White. In the history of Perry White on screen, this is the most different physical look for Perry that he's ever had. Hugh has classic golden age looks, but though he has played the Paternal figure in STUART LITTLE, he isn't really the tough elder looking fellow that has typically played Perry White... But I think Hugh is going to really make the role his own. But damn, with the casting that Bryan has done so far - I have to say, I'd kill for this to be vintage. I mean everyone cast would be amazing in 40's suits. I'm actually curious about the visual direction that Bryan's giving this - the cast has a certain timeless look to them, as opposed to having very modern looks. We'll see though. I really have a positive feeling about this one.

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