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Movie News

The Rock Will Wield A B.F.G. To Blow Monsters Away With In DOOM!

Hey folks, Harry here. The DOOM movie is a bit of a mystery to me. Nothing really real cool has been seen or heard about this project thus far. But man... Nearly 10 years ago there were two things that led me to by my awesome Gateway Pentium 33 system - and that was DOOM and WING COMMANDER III. Now - I've already seen one of those movies destroyed by the gut wrenching inability of Matt Lillard and Freddie Prinze Jr... So hearing that Duane was doing DOOM... well, that's much better than the dreaded duo. Only - it seems to be a rushed film and dammit... with the right script and helmer... DOOM could be pretty killer. It'll be a shame if it doesn't live up.

Hey Harry,

This was on the Daily Show so it may already be common knowledge but for those who missed it the Pro Wrestling Torch has posted a transcript of the interview John Stewart did with Duane 'The Rock' Johnson yesterday. You can find the interview here. In it the Rock mentions that they have just finished work on the DOOM movie and it is now in post. That doesn't sound too good to me. A good DOOM movie should have had a much longer production schedule. Here is the portion contains the DOOM stuff...  

The Rock tells John that he just finished taping the movie Doom and it is now entering post production. He actually plays the main title character in the film. The flick is funny, but it is rated R, as it is unapologetic, like the game. He loves blowing stuff up. He recalls the actor who said he doesn’t like to use guns or blow things up, but Rock says he’s not like that. He loves using powerful weapons (well, he didn’t say that when he was promoting Walking Tall, but no one saw that so I guess it’s off the radar). He gets to use a bio force gun in the movie and the letters “BFG” is actually written on the big friggin’ gun. So he had a great time doing that movie.  

Fingers are crossed on this one. I like Rock and thought he was pretty good in the Rundown. But his clock is at 14:59 and he needs to take more projects like Be Cool at this point. The 16 year old in me wants this to work, so here's to hope.  

if you use this you can call me whatever you want as long as you post a link to my production company.  

kyle crane  

PS hope the leg is doing well

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