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Could Tarantino really be heading out to Camp Crystal Lake'

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with the damndest thing I've ever posted... I'm sure some of you have heard by now, but for those that haven't there's this rumor floating around about Quentin Tarantino writing and directing a brand new FRIDAY THE 13TH film. I've been trying to get this confirmed all afternoon, but I get nothing but playful smiles from everyone I know in the horror industry.

Now, I'm an unabashed fan of the FRIDAY THE 13TH films... shitty as the series gets, it's never boring. It blows my mind to even think of Tarantino writing the teenager victims lines or shooting some great over the top gore... This just seems completely out of the blue to me... I mean, if this had been an announcement that Tarantino was going to be remaking a classic Lucio Fulci film or an obscure Dario Argento flick, I'd be more convinced that this is still reality as I know it. Tarantino has said at his QT fests that he wants to remake Fulci's THE PSYCHIC (great movie, btw)... I always figured him more of a fan of the '60s and '70s exploitation than that of the '80s.

So, this is a rumor, but an insanely interesting rumor (that started at IGN FilmForce). I'm told by some of my spies to look for more light to be shed on this one in the near future and I got no flat out denials, so I'm guessing there's something to this story. Rest assured I'm on this one. Feel free to discuss. Hopefully we'll know more very soon. Until then, discuss what the hell this could be like in the talkback below!

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