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UPDATED!!!You will have Ghost Rider in your Ghost Rider film don't you' The Trailer Arrives!


Hey folks, Harry here... Seems the trailer that appeared online for GHOST RIDER - was in fact... not a trailer for GHOST RIDER. I know, it looked like a trailer - but the folks from SONY have assured me that this was meant to just sort of give the Comic Con crowd a 'taste' of the look of the film - and as Mark Steven Johnson said to the crowd - it was not the trailer. Seems and over-anxious vendor put the "comic con teaser" up - distributed it to folks as "THE TEASER TRAILER" and well... you can see the reaction for yourself. I'm told that before the REAL teaser trailer appears in theaters and online - that they will have figured out exactly what they're doing with the GHOST RIDER effects, which right now are purely at the try this, try that stage. The poster is the closest they have, but even that is painterly - and not what the final character will look like. SO - be calm... be cool... they's on this shit - and there's no reason to get all up in their ass... they're working on it. Now.... next time - if we see the full on GHOST RIDER and it looks like ass - that's when we can be the fanboy bitches we all are and call for bodies hanging from the studio gates... either that, or fall down and worship at the altar. After all - this isn't FOX... this is SONY - they've done damn fine by SPIDER-MAN, we can cut em some slack.


Hey folks, Harry here... MasterWhedon posted this... in a place that can not be mentioned, but exists all the same. In this magical place of gumdrops and singing happy shit - one can post avatars and send private messages, there are paragraphs and word wrap and active html. It is a truly real place and one day, if worthy, you may go and post there too. As for this trailer - I think a full on teaser - no film footage would have actually been more effective... something that focused on use of sound and flames... a badass voice from hell and a single image of Ghost Rider himself. And I get that they haven't finalized the fx yet... but this trailer is pretty limp feeling. Peter Fonda is cool - Nick makes me laugh, but all I could think was... I hope to Mephisto, that that isn't what he sounds like when he's the rider. And then... did Bentley look a bit... like a Lost Boys extra?

Aaaaaand.... bleh.

Check it out here: (Removed By Request of SONY)

(You need Quicktime 7 to view it, which you can get here: Click here for Q7)

How many syllables in "craptacular"? Four? Oh.

It... just... looks... I can't even summon up the energy.

Check out the four- or five-frame flash toward the end of him with the flaming skull. Hopefully, that isn't a finished effect. If it is...

I never really cared for Ghost Rider or Nicholas Cage. Doesn't look like this is going to change my mind.

Hola colas, Doc Falken here to hijack Harry's post. I'm not one to just install beta software to watch a trailer, so here's one of the money shots that we all want to see. Spoiler alert! The dude's head is on fire.

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