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Adam Sandler goes Brokeback with Kevin James for I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK AND LARRY!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a bit of news that broke this morning on Adam Sandler's newest flick for Universal Pictures called I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK AND LARRY about two firemen (Sandler and Kevin James) who pretend to be a gay couple in order to receive domestic partner benefits. I know, it sounds kind of lame and a bit overused, but the film has a few things going for it... One, it's being directed by WEDDING CRASHERS director David Dobkin and two, and this is the biggie, the last draft of the script was written by Alexander Payne and James Taylor (SIDEWAYS, ELECTION). Payne and Taylor writing a script centered around the aforementioned plotline? Count me curious. What about you?

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