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Variety announces the further adventures of the Flying Rat and the Big Blue Bird! Also a bit on LOGAN'S RUN!

Hey folks, Harry here... believe it or not... and obviously we believe it, cuz this is one of those huge NO SHIT SHERLOCK announcements - which I can only think is meant to get a bump in Time/Warners' stock prices... but whatever, it's still good to hear that sequels are lined up for both BATMAN and SUPERMAN franchises... with Christopher Nolan and Bryan Singer both on board their respective properties.

BATMAN STILL SLUGGING is apparently being based on a treatment that Christopher Nolan (working on THE PRESTIGE) and David Goyer (just finished THE INVISIBLE and set to write & direct THE FLASH) did before they went to their respective upcoming projects. Meanwhile - Jonah Nolan, bro to Christopher - has been clacking away on the sequel script to the caped crusader. No mention of characters, plot or anything other than the fact that Christian Bale would return. The article in Variety didn't give a single twinge of a mention regarding when and where this next tale would shoot or start.

Meanwhile, SUPERMAN STILL HERE is set to shoot after Bryan Singer finishes his remake of LOGAN'S RUN, which begins shooting this September reportedly! Can Not Wait for that one. Meanwhile - there's no word in the article if Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris will be back for scripting duties on the big boy scout's latest series of good deed doing. However, I'd bet on them being back. Dougherty was seen holding hands with Sarah Douglas... albeit briefly last night. Word has it. Mike is all aflutter. Ursa apparently has additional abilities not shown in SUPERMAN II. The mind boggles. After all, she's like the evil-super-Barbarella!

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