Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

Never fear! Banky Edwards is here!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I swear, this UNDERDOG movie is tearing me in two. The rational side of my brain is telling me it's going to suck. "Look at GARFIELD. Hell, look at THE ADVENTURES OF ROCKY & BULLWINKLE. There's no way this is going to be anything other than a painful train wreck." But then my irrational side says, "Jason Lee is voicing Underdog... and Peter Dinklage is playing an evil scientist villain named Simon Barsinister. How could this movie not be anything but a masterpiece?"

As James Dean famously screamed, "You're tearing me apart!!!" So, yeah. That's the news. Jason Lee is voicing the titular Underdog. I think that's actually a pretty nifty bit of casting. God, don't be ROCKY & BULLIWINKLE or DUDLEY DO-RIGHT...

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