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NICK FURY will scream 'Get off my SHIELD plane!!!'

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. In that very same article that announced Jon Favreau as directing IRON MAN for Marvel/Paramount that also dropped a ton of mini-bombs. Some stuff we already knew like David Self writing CAPTAIN AMERICA and Edgar Wright is directing ANT MAN. Some we didn't know. You'll see a series of of these minis hit the site today. The thought is give each specific property its own talkback, not jumbled up all in one.

This one is about Nick Fury and who is putting words into Fury's mouth. AIR FORCE ONE's Andrew Marlowe is scripting at this very moment. Not too sure what I think about that. I think AIR FORCE ONE is a lot of fun, but Marlowe also put out END OF DAYS and HOLLOW MAN. I'm willing to forgive both because they really do have some fantastic ideas in them and so much can happen between script and screen that I'm a little hesitant to lay the blame of the finished product on Marlowe's shoulders.

I'm also pulling for the classic gruff and badass agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm not a huge fan of The Ultimates line, although I know it is insanely popular. I just don't want Hasselhoff to be the only classic Fury to be seen translated into a live action feature. What are your thoughts?

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