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Ye Meng with quite a bit on Ang Lee and the CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON prequel!

Hey folks, Harry here and it seems our man in China is back with the skinny on the latest developments with Ang Lee and the hopeful CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON prequel. All I know is I want this to happen in like the worst way! Here ya go....

Hi, Harry!

Ye is here!

After discussion, Ang Lee has formally reached the agreement of making a CTHD prequel with producer Hsu Li-Kong. CTHD was based on the fourth part of Crane ˆ Iron Pentalogy. The first three parts are: Frightening Crane of Mt. Kunlun; Precious Sword, Gold Hairpin; and Sword Force, Pearl Treasure (the last part is Iron Knight, Silver Vase). Which part should be made is the focus of their discussion. Ang Lee has authorized Hsu Li-Kong to make the decision, then they will do the casting together. Ang Lee said as long as we had a good story, there was no need to worry about the ages of the main characters as well as the ages of Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh. This means whether these two will be in the prequel is still unknown. Although the script has not been written, Ang Lee has already come out some exiting ideas. He told Hsu, for the fighting scenes, there will be three big one, two median one and two small one. On Sunday, Ang Lee has flied to L.A. for the North America premiere of CTHD. Watch out, tiger and dragon are coming!

In other news, CTHD was the biggest winner of the 37th Golden Horse Film Festival, the highest movie award in Taiwan, by collecting six horses: Best Dramatic Film, Best Visional Effect (Leo Lo and Rob Hodgson), Best Fight Choreograph (Yuen Wo-Ping), Best Original Score (Tan Dun), Best Film Editing (Tim Squyres) and Best Sound Effect (Eugene Gearty).

Ye Meng

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