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Hey folks, Dave here. Normally I wouldn't post this, but my fear is that Harry is still asleep, since he's normally awake into the wee hours of the morning, So, if I don't post something, all of you people are going to keep emailing us with this until our mailboxes bleed.

Yes indeed, the title of Star Wars Episode II is ATTACK OF THE CLONES. How do I feel about this?

I don't. I have absolutely no emotional response to this news. I still hope that this second film in the sextet will be better than the first, which I personally didn't like at all. Yes, I know, some of you did, and good for you, I say, but me, I was most displeased. Surely, I think, Episode II can't be say I tempting fate.

Whatever the future holds, we now have a title, and if for no other reason than to ease the pressure on our mailboxes, it had to be posted. There it is. Think on it, if you imagine it's important in any way.

Dave Alvarado, El Cosmico

P.S.: Yes, this is official - just check out

Harry here.... Boy ain't this title a beaut? I've had calls from Media since about noon asking what I think of STAR WARS EPISODE II: SEND IN THE CLONES, and ya know... Somehow it reminds me of Krusty the Klown! Anyway, check this CLONE story on CNN, kinda eerie that Lucas announces this title and Human Cloning is to officially begin!!!!

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