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Ang Lee throws on the love beeds and flips the peace sign as he heads to Woodstock!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Ang Lee's about to rejoin once again with Focus Features and make a flick about the events leading up to the original Woodstock. Sounds pretty interesting. The comedy is based on Elliot Tiber's book TAKING WOODSTOCK: A TRUE STORY OF A RIOT, A CONCERT AND A LIFE. The story follows Tiber, an average joe working for his parents' motel in the Catskills and how he inadvertently sets in motion the events that culminate in the biggest monument to the free love attitude and amazing music of the '60s. There's not much known at this point other than Lee directing and that it will not be a concert movie... the concert itself might not even feature. Sounds cool to me. I like Lee's stuff and it'd be interesting to see him tackle a comedy (although, I'm sure it'll probably be more dramedy) like this. Thoughts?

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