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'In A Place Where There Is Nothing, They Found Something...' See THE THING Prequel Trailer In Ultra Spaz-O-Vision!!

Merrick here... Universal debuted their trailer for their forthcoming THING prequel at The New York Comic Con. This is among the most ridiculous and excruciating vids of this type we've ever seen - I think whoever filmed this may've been having a seizure at the time (I like the part where only the top quarter of the screen could be seen hovering at the bottom of the frame). This vid is so over-the-top shitty that I suspect this may actually be a leak of some sort - an aggravating tease portending the release of the an infinitely nicer version in the near future. But...from what little we can see? This looks and feels like it's very much in the same universe as John Carpenter's 1982 film - which this is said to be connected to (set 3 days before, etc.)
Must. See. Clean. Shiny. Version. Now. I have a hunch this will be an awesome trailer when we can actually see it. Looks like its cut in the same vein as many of the upscale horror trailer in the late 70s and early 80s. By point of comparison, here's a spot for Carpenter's version:
The new THE THING film should hit next April, I believe. It, as well as Carpenter's version and the 1951 version before it, all all cribbed from John W. Campbell, Jr.'s novella WHO GOES THERE? (available HERE).
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